Get Involved
Make a monetary donation.
Consider supporting Packs For A Purpose Inc. through a monetary donation. Our Packs and impact on children's lives would not be possible without YOU, your love, and generosity.
Make a physical donation.
Consider supporting Packs For A Purpose Inc. through a physical donation. We accept NEW and UNOPENED items. Please see the donation guidelines and ideas below. If you are looking for an easy way to donate, check out our Amazon Wishlist with our top needs. The items will be sent directly to us.
Donation guidelines.
With regard to each child’s safety and health, please consider these guidelines when deciding what items to donate.
All items donated must be NEW and UNOPENED. All used items will be donated to a local thrift store.
We are unable to accept: homemade treats, toys depicting violence, previously played with toys and games.
Still have questions? Email us and we will assist you!
If you would like to make a physical donation, please contact us to arrange a drop-off appointment or receive mailing instructions. Thanks!
Donation ideas.
Crayons, colored pencils, and markers
Coloring books, notepads, crossword puzzles, and activity books
Individually packaged snacks (granola bars, fruit snacks, and goldfish)
Packages of gum
Toy cars and action figures
Baby dolls and Barbies
Sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and jump ropes
Individually packaged lego sets
Deck of cards or card games (UNO, Go Fish, Old Maid, Crazy 8)
Small bottles of hand sanitizer
Water bottles
Toiletries (small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, kleenex, lotion)